User Interaction
Article Overview
The following article describes the Webflow building block located under the User Interaction category.
User Interaction
(See Figure 1)
The User Interaction category contains the Webflow building block. The Webflow is the process you are building. Using the Webflow you:
- Build the physical structure of the process using components
- Define the business logic (conditions, validations, permissions) of the process using the Model
- Upload PDFs or create a dynamic document
When adding the Webflow to the work area the following properties appear:
- Linked to - links the Webflow building block to an existing process Webflow
- Webflow - according to the linked Webflow
- Role - according to the linked Webflow
- Unique identifier - according to the linked Webflow
- Edit Webflow - navigates and opens the linked Webflow
- Add Reminder - see the Reminders section
- Add to sequence - see the Add to Sequence section
- Add Description
Figure 1: Webflow Properties
(See Figure 2 to Figure 15)
When clicking + Add Reminder the following options appear:
- Service
Figure 2: + Add Reminder Options
Email Reminder:
The email reminder contains the following options and fields:
- Delete the reminder
- Edit the email
- Trigger:
- Last Opened
- Link Sent
- After:
- Number of days between 0 and 10
- Time - Same Hour or between 12 AM and 11 PM
Figure 3: Email Reminder
When clicking the icon the Edit Message window appears. This window is divided into two sections:
- Message Content
- Advanced
Figure 4: Edit Message Window
The Message Content section contains the following fields and options:
- Email Name
- Recipients - can be static or dynamic:
- Static - for example r.riback@easysend.io
- Dynamic - Model data items and/or metadata items
Figure 5: Adding Recipients
- The language of the email (according to available languages in your environment)
- Subject - can include dynamic data items and/or metadata items
Figure 6: Subject
- Message Body - the content of the email:
- Written in HTML
- HTML tags such as <br> and <a> can be used
- The content can include dynamic fields:
- Model data items
- Metadata items
- Process links can be included in the content - {{link}}
Figure 7: Message Body
The Advanced section contains the following fields and options:
- Attachments - can include:
- Forms - the PDF files that were uploaded to the Builder platform as part of the platform
- User Files - the files that were uploaded by the end-user during the process
- Model As - a copy of the Model of the process in three different formats:
- Audit Trail As - an audit trail copy of the process in two different formats:
- Model As - a copy of the Model of the process in three different formats:
Figure 8: Advanced Options 1 of 2
- Advanced options:
- Set a custom reply-to email address:
- When toggle to on - enables to set a custom reply-to email address
- When toggle to off - the option is disabled
- Encrypt all PDF documents attached to email:
- When toggle to on - enables to encrypt attached PDF documents with a password
- When toggle to off - the option is disabled
- Email footer:
- When toggle to on - enables to select a footer template
- When toggle to off - the option is disabled
- Set a custom reply-to email address:
Figure 9: Advanced Options 2 of 2
SMS Reminder:
The SMS reminder contains the following options and fields:
- Delete the reminder
- Edit the SMS
- Trigger:
- Last Opened
- Link Sent
- After:
- Number of days between 0 and 10
- Time - Same Hour or between 12 AM and 11 PM
Figure 10: SMS Reminder
When clicking the icon the Edit Message window appears. This window contains the Message Content section with the following fields and options:
- Email Name
- Recipients - can be static or dynamic:
- Static - for example 2679834455
- Dynamic - Model data items and/or metadata items
Figure 11: Edit Message Window
Figure 12: Adding Recipients
- The language of the SMS (according to available languages in your environment)
- Sender - can include dynamic data items and/or metadata items
Figure 13: Sender
- Message Body - the content of the SMS:
- The content can include dynamic fields:
- Model data items
- Metadata items
- Process links can be included in the content - {{link}}
- The content can include dynamic fields:
Figure 14: Message Body
Service Reminder:
The Service reminder contains the following options and fields:
- Delete the reminder
- Service selection dropdown (required) - a list of services from your environment.
- Trigger:
- Last Opened
- Link Sent
- After:
- Number of days between 0 and 10
- Time - Same Hour or between 12 AM and 11 PM
Figure 15: SMS Reminder
Add to Sequence
(See Figure 16 to Figure 18)
The Add to sequence option enables you to create a nonstop workflow. A nonstop workflow consists of multiple Webflows that act as one continuance Webflpw. You can only add Webflows with the same role. When the Add to sequence switch is toggled on, you must select a sequence from the list or create a new one.
Figure 16: Add to sequence
You provide a new name to a sequence and select whether or not to show a submission success pop-up between webflows.
Figure 17: Creating a New Sequence
After creating or selecting a sequence, add Weblfows to it. Each added Webflow will appear with an indicator and a sequence number.
Figure 18: Added Webflows
A textual description of the Webflow.