Troubleshooting and FAQ
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    Troubleshooting and FAQ

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    Article summary

    Article Overview

    This article describes how to configure a workflow. It starts by detailing how to create roles and how to add steps and configure them. The article also explains how to create automatic output communication channels and how to perform workflow related troubleshooting.


    The following section describe common troubleshooting scenarios for different areas of the Builder.

    Process Manager 

    Table 1 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to add business groups and processes. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the Builder Overview article.

    Table 1: Process Manager Troubleshooting

    NumberMalfunction Reason/sSolution/s


    Cannot Add a new process

    • A business group is not selected
    • Another process with the same name already exists within the business group

    Add a new process as described in the Add a new Process section


    Cannot find a process

    Then search is done within a business groupClick the All business group and then perform the search


    Cannot Add a new business group

    Another business group with the same name already existsAdd a new business group as described in the Add a new Business Group section


    Table 2 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to create a Webflow, adding components, and editing properties. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the Building a Webflow article.

    Table 2: Webflow Troubleshooting






    Cannot create a new Webflow

    • The Webflow URL or name are empty
    • The Webflow URL contains uppercase letters and/or spaces
    • The Webflow URL already exists

    Create a new Webflow according to the instructions described in the How to Create a Webflow section


    Some Components are missing, or their design is incorrect

    The wrong theme is selected

    Select the appropriate theme according to the instructions described in the Selecting a Theme section


    The components in the grid displayed in the wrong direction

    The properties of the Grid component are not set correctly

    Set the properties of the Grid component. Read the details described in the Containers Components Properties article


    Problem displaying the Webflow on a mobile device

    The direction property of the Grid component is not set correctly

    Set the properties of the Grid component. Read the details described in the Containers Components Properties article


    Cannot add certain components like buttons, Multiple Choice, and other components to the canvas

    Must of the components can only be add onto a Main Page, Greeting Page, and Container components

    Add components according to the instructions described in the Adding Components section


    The buttons on the Main Page do not appear

    The buttons properties of the Main Page are not set correctly

    Set the button properties of the Main Page component. Read the details described in the Page and Sections Components Properties article


    The Co Browsing button does not appear

    The co browsing property of the Main Page are not set correctly

    Set the co browsing property of the Main Page component. Read the details described in the Page and Sections Components Properties article


    The value of the Radio Question options is not returned correctly

    The Text and the Value of the Radio Question component options do no match

    Set the options of the Radio Question component. Read the details described in the Multiple Choice Components Properties article


    The image for the Dynamic Image component does not exist

    • The image was not uploaded to the selected theme beforehand
    • The wrong theme is selected
    • Upload the images to the theme (for additional assistant with the theme please contact our support team)
    • Select the appropriate theme according to the instructions described in the Selecting a Theme section


    The Br Component height is not applied

    The height of the Br component is not written correctly

    The height of the Br component must contain a number followed by px, for example: 10px. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    Cannot upload files

    The file type is not written in the acceptFileTypes property

    Write the type of the file in the acceptFileTypes property. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    The text direction of the Text Input component is wrong

    The textDirection property of the Input Text component is not set to the appropriate direction

    Set the appropriate text direction. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    There is a limit on the number of characters allowed to input into the Text Input component

    The maxLength property of the Input Text component is not set to the appropriate direction

    Set the appropriate maximum length. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    The numbering of the Progress Bar Steps is wrong

    The numbering steps of the Progress Bar component have an offset of +1

    Set the first step of the Progress Bar component to zero. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    The Preview component prevents from deploying the Webflow

    The Preview component must be connected to a PDF form

    Connect the Preview Component to a PDF form. For additional information see the Other Components Properties article


    Table 3 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to create transaction data items, associate transaction data items with Webflow components, and enforce logic. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the Setting up the Model article. 

    Table 3: Model Troubleshooting






    Cannot create a transaction data item

    The name of the transaction data item is not written according to the rules

    Create the transaction data item and provide a name according to the rules described in the How to create a Transaction Data Item? section


    Transaction data items that need to be nested inside an object type transaction data item are not

    • The object type transaction data item is not set to object
    • The transaction data items were created outside the object type transaction data item

    • Set the type of the transaction data item to object as described in the How to Create Transaction Data Items? section
    • Drag the transaction data items inside the object type transaction data item to restructure them as described in the Field Types article


    Cannot associate a Webflow component with a transaction data item

    • The name of the transaction data item is not written according to the rules (when creating through the Properties section)
    • No transaction data item was selected through the Model main screen

    Associate the Webflow component with the required transaction data item as described in the How to Associate Webflow Component with a Transaction Data Item?  section 

    Autocomplete does not work

    The Autocomplete Service is not connected to an integration

    Configure the Autocomplete Service as described in the Values article


    A user can input information instead of choosing one a Multi-option (Static) value

    The Multi-option (Static) is not used to validate

    Set the Multi-option (Static) to Also use to validate as described in the Values article

    Cannot find the required transaction data items to connect to the Model (Computed (Service))

    Transaction data item is nested inside an objectLocate the transaction data item according to the rules described in the Values article

    Cannot find the required transaction data items to use as alias (Computed (Inline))


    Cannot find the required transaction data items to use as dynamic fields (Expression)

    Transaction data item is nested inside an object

    Locate the transaction data item according to the rules described in the Values article


    Cannot find the required transaction data items to use as a condition selector (Expression, Condition)


    Computed (Service) does not work

    • The Computed (Service) is not connected to an integration
    • The parameters of the integration are not connected to the Model
    • The transaction data items connected to the parameters of the integration are not Autocomplete

    • Configure Computed (Service) as described in the Values article
    • Connect the parameters of the integration to the Model as described in the Values article
    • Verify that the transaction data items connected to the parameters of the integration are Autocomplete as described in the Values article


    Creating a condition with two or more logical expressions does not work as expected (Expression, Condition)

    An operation between the logical expressions is not set or not set correctly

    Set the operation between the conditions as described in the Conditions article


    Validation is missing

    The validation is not located in the Validations screen

    Please contact our support team

    Validation is added but not implemented

    The validation was added but the adding process was not completer or failed

    Add the validation again until theicon appears next the name of the transaction data item as described in the Validations article   

    Cannot add roles and access permissions

    Roles are not created

    Create roles as described in the Configuring a Workflow article


    Table 4 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to create new PDFs, define new PDF fields and connect them and the PDF pages to the Model. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the Creating and Defining a PDF article. 

    Table 4: PDF Troubleshooting






    Cannot create a new PDF

    The name of the new PDF already exists

    Create the new PDF and provide a new name as described in the Creating a PDF Form section


    Cannot deploy the digital process

    A PDF is not attached to the Preview component

    Attach a PDF form to the Preview component as described in the PDF Output Example section


    The digital process is stuck on generating a preview

    The PDF fields are not connected to the Model properly

    Connect the PDF fields PDF to the Model as described in the How to define and Connect PDF Fields? section


    The PDF does not display any Output

    The PDF fields are not connected to the Model properly

    Connect the PDF fields to the Model as described in the How to define and Connect PDF Fields? section


    The PDF pages are not behaving according to the implemented Model logic

    The Pages of the PDF are not connected to the Model properly

    Connect the PDF pages to the Model as described in the Connecting PDF Pages to the Model section


    Table 5 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to create transaction data items, associate transaction data items with Webflow components, and enforce logic. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the configuring a Webflow article. 

    Table 5: Workflow Troubleshooting






    Cannot add a role to a step

    Roles are not created

    Create roles as described in the Creating Roles sections


    Creating two or more conditions does not work as expected

    An operation between the condition is not set or not set correctly

    Set the operation between the conditions as described in the Adding Step conditions section


    Recipients are not receiving Email or SMS (output communication channels)

    The wrong environment for the recipients is set

    Configure the Email/SMS communication channel as described in the Start Phase section


    The email/SMS is received by the recipients but does not contain a link to the digital process

    The {{link}} is missing

    Configure the Email/SMS communication channel as described in the Start Phase section


    An Auto-reminder is not sent

    The trigger and the time of the auto-reminder is not set

    Configure the Email/SMS communication channel as described in the Auto-Reminder Phase section

    Journey Sender

    Table 6 describes malfunctions that may occur when trying to create a Webflow, adding components, and editing properties. The table also describes the reason/s for the malfunctions and provides possible solutions.

    All links in the Solution/s column redirect to different sections in the Journey Sender article. 

    Table 6: Journey Sender Troubleshooting






    The Journey Sender feature does not appear on the main screen of the Builder platform

    The feature is not enabled

    Please contact our support team


    Cannot add components from the Webflow to the Agent screen

    The theme of the Webflow does not match the theme of the Journey Sender

    Set the theme of the Journey Sender to match the theme of the Webflow as described in the Step 2: Build the Journey Sender section


    Added components to the canvas of the Journey Sender do not appear when the Journey Sender is viewed

    The components are not connected to the Model

    Add components and connect them to the Model as described in the Step 2: Build the Journey Sender section


    There are no digital processes to select from the Journey Sender

    • The Select Process Dropdown component is not connected to the processId data item
    • The processes/business groups are not selected correctly on the Manage Agent Groups window
    • The wrong agent group is set as default


    After selecting a digital process, dynamic fields do not appear

    • Components from the Webflow were not added to the Agent Screen
    • A deployment process from the Agent screen did not occur 
    • The Agent From Specific Fields component is not added to the canvas of the Journey Sender


    No action buttons (submit, fill out) appear on the Journey Sender

    The properties of the Main Page component added to the canvas of the Journey Sender are not sent

    Set the properties of the Main Page component as described in the Step 3: Set the Properties of the Main Page section


    The Journey Sender deployment process failed

    There are deployment errors preventing the deployment

    Perform the steps describe in the Step 4: Deploy and View the Journey Sender section, if the errors proceed see the Deploying and Viewing a Digital Process article for additional details


    A link to the digital process that was initiated through the Journey Sender was not sent to the wanted recipients

    The Workflow Manager of the digital process does not contain a step with a configured start phase communication channel output (email or SMS)

    Configure the Workflow Manager of the digital process with a step containing a start phase communication channel output (email or SMS), for additional information about the Workflow Manager, see the Workflow Manager Overview and the Configuring a Workflow articles


    Cannot select specific processes/business groups using the Manage Agent Groups window

    The All Processes checkbox is checked

    Uncheck the All Processes checkbox and select specific processes/business groups as described in the Manage Agent Groups section


    The Journey Sender restarts whenever it is sent

    The Send Another option is disabled

    Set the toggle to Send Another as described in the Manage Agent Groups section


    There is not data collaboration between the Model of the Journey Sender and the Model of the Webflow

    The metadata tagging is not set currently

    Retag the data items of the Models as described in the Data Collaboration Between Models section


    The following sections describe frequently asked questions and answers about different areas in the Builder. 

    Question 1 - Restoring Versions

    Can I restore different Builder layers to a previous version?


    (See Figure 1 to Figure 4)

    Yes it is possible to restore Builder layers to a previous version by using the Versions button, for example:

    Figure 1: Accessing the Model Layer

    1. Access the required layer, for example, the Model (1).


    The Model screen appears:

    Figure 2: Accessing the Model Layer

    1. Click the Versions button (2).


    The Version History window appears:

    Figure 3: Version History Window

    1. Locate the required version from the list.
    2. Click the three dots (3).


    Different options appear:

    Figure 4: Restore Option

    1. Click the Restore option(4).


    The previous version is restored.

    Question 2 - Comparing Versions

    Can I compare different versions of Builder layers?


    (See Figure 5 to Figure 9)

    Yes it is possible to compare Builder layers versions,  for example:

    Figure 5: Accessing the Model Layer

    1. Access the required layer, for example, the Model (1).


    The Model screen appears:

    Figure 6: Accessing the Model Layer

    1. Click the Versions button (2).


    The Version History window appears:

    Figure 7: Version History Window

    1. Locate the required version from the list.
    2. Click the three dots (3).


    Different options appear:

    Figure 8: Compare Option

    1. Click the Compare option(4).


    The Version Comparison window appears, and the selected version is compared to the current version, for example:

    Figure 9: Compare Option

    Question 3 - View a Process Last Changes

    Can I view a summary of a process's last changes?  


    (See Figure 10 to Figure 13)

    Yes it is possible to view a summary of a process's last changes, for example:

    Figure 10: Process Manager Screen

    1. Access the Process Manager screen.
    2. Locate the desired process by clicking its business group (1) first or by searching it (2).

    Figure 11: Three Dots

    1. Hover above the process and click the three dots (3).


    Different options appear:

    Figure 12: Last Changes

    1. Click Last Changes (4).


    The Items Last Modified Info window appears:

    Figure 13: Items Last Modified Info Window 

    1. Click on the sections (5).
    2. View the information (6):
      1. Name (Form/Webflow/Model/Translation/Salesforce).
      2. Date and time of creation.
      3. Date and time of last modification.
      4. The name of the user who perform the modification.

    Question 4 - Missing Navigation Bar Items

    (See Figure 14)

    What can I do if some options are missing from the navigation bar?

    Figure 14: Missing Options from Navigation Bar


    Please contact our support team.

    FAQ - Dynamic Documents 

    Question 1 - Components visibility 

    Is it possible to change a component's visibility in A PDF without removing it?


    (See Figure 15)

    Yes it is possible to change a component's visibility without removing it by using conditions and expressions, for example:

    Figure 15: Missing Options from Navigation Bar

    1. Access the Model screen.
    2. For a radio button component (1) for example, create new data items (2) that represent its options.
    3. For each data item:
      1. Set the Value dropdown to Expression (3).
      2. Create conditions and expressions that will add the desired characters, for example: [X] (4) or [  ] (5).
    4. Repeat step as necessary.
    5. Use the data items in the dynamic document (instead of using blocks).

    Question 2 - Removing Automatic Headers

    Is it possible to remove headers that were automatically added to the PDF after a save action?


    (See Figure 16 to Figure 17)

    Yes it is possible to remove headers that were automatically added to the PDF after a save action, for example:

    Figure 16: Insert Tab and Header

    1. On the dynamic document click the Insert tab (1).
    2. Click Header (2).


    The Built-in window appears:

    1. Click Remove Header (3).

    Figure 17: Remove Header

    Question 3 - Starting a Section in a New Page without Blank Pages

    How can I start a section in a new page without leaving multiple blank pages in the middle?


    To start a section on a new page we will use Microsoft Word’s feature Page break. When there are multiple pages with a condition before the page break, if the condition is not fulfilled, the pages before the page will be empty. To solve this, set a Page Break (or number of Page Breaks as required) inside a condition, for example:

    If there are two pages under condition A, at the beginning of the conditional pages, add a conditional Page Break in case condition A will not be fulfilled. 

     At the end of the conditional pages add a conditional Page Break in case condition A will be fulfilled. In this way, a Page Break will be added, without blank pages in the middle.  

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