The Journey Tracker
Article Overview
The following article describes the Journey Tracker feature, explaining its purpose and how to use it.
What is the Journey Tracker?
The Journey Tracker feature enables you to track your eSignature requests and view the status of their different stages. The information the Journey Tracker displays is saved for 30 days maximum.
Navigate to the Journey Tracker Screen
(See Figure 1)
To navigate to the Journey Tracker screen, click the Operate tab (1).
Figure 1: Operate Tab
Journey Tracker Main Screen
Figure 2 and Table 1 describe the structure of the Journey Tracker screen.
Figure 2: Journey Tracker Main Screen
Table 1: Journey Tracker Main Screen
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Search Bar | Enables to search the tracking list |
2 | Status Filter | Enables to filter the tracking list according to different statuses |
3 | Tracking List | Displays a list of tracked processes and enables to perform different actions |
Tracking List
(See Figure 3)
The tracking list displays a list of eSignature requests. Each request displays the following information:
- Name
- Last Status Update
- Sender - the name of the sender
- Customer Name
- Customer Phone
- Customer Email
- Status:
- Link-Sent - a link was sent to a signer
- Opened - the link was clicked and opened by a signer
- Reminder-Sent - a reminder was sent to a signer
- Completed-Step - a signer completed a step
- Completed (Process Completed) - the entire eSignature request was completed
- Canceled - a link was canceled
Figure 3: Tracking List
Detailed Tracking Information and Actions
(See Figure 4 and Figure 5)
When clicking an eSignature request on the list, detailed tracking information appears:
- Master RID (1) - a unique identifier of an eSignature request
- Transaction Events (2):
- The date the event was created
- The time the event was created
- Event type
- Customer name
- Customer role
- RID - a unique identifier of an eSignature request step. The RID is nested under the Master RID. When creating a request, it can be divided into steps, for example, when adding multiple signers. Each step will receive its own unique RID
An Opened status can appear multiple times due to the eSignature refreshing or when re-clicking a link.
Figure 4: Detailed Tracking Information
While the status of an eSignature request is not Completed (Process Completed) or Cancelled, you can perform two actions:
- Cancel the link (and update its status to Canceled)
- Resend the link (and update its status to Link-Sent)
Figure 5: Additional Actions