The Edit Documents Tab
The Edit Documents Tab
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The following article describes EasySign's Edit Documents tab.
Edit Documents Tab
(See Figure 1 to Figure 3)
The Edit Documents tab displays the documents that were uploaded using the Add Documents tab. If two or more documents were added, they will be displayed in the order in which they were uploaded.
The tab contains field markers used to define fields on top of a document (1):
- Text Input - used to define fields for text input such as first name, last name, and address.
- Date Input - used to define fields for date input such as birthdate or signature date.
- Free Text/Text Area - used to define fields such as notes and descriptions.NOTEThe Text Area field marker enables the usage of multiline.
- Radio Button - used to define single selection fields such as radio question options.
- Checkbox - used to define single selection fields such as checkboxes.
- Signature - used to define fields for signature input.
Figure 1: Edit Documents Tab
Each field marker will be deployed on the of the document by clicking it (2) and deploying it using the left click (3).
Figure 2: Deploying a Field Marker
When clicking a deployed filed marker (4), its properties section appears (5).
Figure 3: Field Marker Properties Example
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