Article Overview
The following article describes the building blocks located under the Services category.
(See Figure 1)
The Services category contains two building blocks:
- Create Webflow link
- Integration
Figure 1: Services
Create Webflow Link
(See Figure 2)
The Create Webflow Link building block logically generates a selected Webflow link. It contains the following fields and options:
- Webflow dropdown for selecting the Webflow (required)
- Role (required)
- More Options dropdown:
- Brand - when the end-user clicks the link the process will appear with the assigned brand
- Theme Variant - when the end-user clicks the link the process will appear with the assigned theme variant
- Unique Identifier
- Authentication
- Description
Figure 2: Create Webflow Link and More Options
(See Figure 3)
The Authentication switch enables you to secure the Webflow link and restrict access to authenticated users only by using a One-Time Password (OTP). When the switch is toggled to on, the Edit Authentication window appears.
Figure 3: Adding Recipients
The window allows you to configure:
- The authentication method
- How to send the OTP:
- Email and SMS (both required)
- Email or SMS
- Identification screen options
- Emails and SMSs are added by using Model data items and/or metadata items
- To learn about the different OTP options, click here.
(See Figure 4)
The Integration building block contains the following options and fields:
- Service dropdown to select a specific service
- Unique Identifier
- Set Input/Outputs - becomes available after selecting a service
- Repeat:
- When checked - enables to run the service for every item in a selected array
- When not checked - the service will run only once
- Description
Figure 4: Integration
Set Inputs/Outputs
(See Figure 5)
Clicking the Set Inputs/Outputs button displays the Service Settings window. The window includes two sections:
- Inputs - this section defines the data that the integration needs to function by mapping the data of this workflow to the integration inputs below
- Outputs (optional) - Define if data that the integration will generate and pass back to your workflow needs to be stored in the process model.
Figure 5: Service Settings Window
Inputs and Outputs will appear as they were defined in the selected service. If the service does not include inputs or outputs, indication messages will appear, for example:
Figure 5: Service Without Outputs
For Inputs, a source can be:
- Unset
- Process Data (and the value would be a Model data item or metadata item)
- Constant - static value
Figure 6: Inputs
For Outputs, if you store value in a Model, the selected Model data item or metadata item must match with the output type (for example, string and string)
Figure 7: Outputs
To learn more about services, click here.