Salesforce App Installation
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    Salesforce App Installation

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    Article summary

    Article Overview

    The following article describes the steps to install the EasySend Application (App) in your Salesforce environment.

    EasySend App Installation

    (See Figure 1 to Figure 5)

    To install the EasySend App, perform the following steps:

    1. Sign in to Salesforce.

    a user with administrative privileges is required.

    1. Go to Salesforce AppExchange.
    • If the following window appears, select a connected Salesforce account:
    • If the following window appears, agree to the terms and conditions and confirm to proceed with the installation:
    1. Choose for whom this App should be installed. If you do not have a preference please select Install for All Users (1) and click Install (2).

    Figure 1: EasySend Installation


    Salesforce installs EasySend:

    Figure 2: Installation


    The installation may take a few minutes.

    If the following message appears (see Figure 3), check that you received a confirmation email (see Figure 4), and then click Done (1) to access the Installed Packages page (see Figure 5).

    Figure 3: Installation Message

    Figure 4: Installation Email

    Figure 5: Installed Packages Page

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