Process Mapping
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    Process Mapping

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    Article summary

    Article Overview

    The following article describes the process mapping feature. It explains what the feature is, its structure, and how to use it.

    What is Process Mapping?

    Process mapping enables you to visually break down and map the flow of a digital process from end to end and step-by-step while having a strategic overview. For example, you can:

    • Specify process integration requirements.
    • Add multiple stages and connect them to show a workflow.
    • Define roles for each stage. 
    • Write descriptions and notes that will help other stakeholders understand the purpose of a process.
    • Navigate to different areas within the platform for advanced configuration. 
    To watch a short video about process mapping, click here.

    Accessing the Feature 

    Process Mapping is available for new processes and is accessible in two ways.

    Webflow Screen

    (See Figure 1)

    To access the feature using the Webflow screen, perform the following steps:

    1. Create a new process to access a new Webflow.


           The Webflow screen appears:

    Figure 1: Process Mapping Tab

    1. Click the Process Mapping Tab (1). 

    Process Manager Screen

    Process Mapping is only available for newly created processes only.

    (See Figure 2)

    To access the feature using the Process Manager screen, perform the following steps:

    Figure 2: Process Mapping Option

    1. Access the Process Manager screen.
    2. Hover over the created process.
    3. Click the three dots (1).
    4. Click the Process Mapping option (2).

    Process Mapping Screen

    Figure 3 and Table 1 describe the structure of the Process Mapping screen.

    Figure 3: Process Mapping Screen

    Table 1: Process Mapping Screen 








    Enables to write a general description about the process



    Process Building

    Contains the elements to visualize and map the flow of a process using drag-and-drop

    For additional information, see the Process Building Stages section




    Enables to add roles

    Roles are assigned to stages, for additional information, see the Creating Roles section
    -General Notes

    Enables to add general notes about the process

    Zoom inEnables to zoom in the canvas

    Zoom out

    Enables to zoom out the canvas

    Fit viewEnables to fit the view of the canvas

    Contains the stages used for visualizing and mapping the flow of the process

    • A new canvas contains the Initiation stage by default 
    • For additional information, see the Stages and Canvas section
    -Mini mapEnables to navigate the canvas

    Process Building Stages

    (See Figure 4)

    The Process building section contains the following stages:

    • Initiation
    • Prefill Data
    • Communication
    • Authentication
    • Webflow
    • Data Sync
    • Process Enrichment

    Figure 4: Process Building Stages


    (See Figure 5)

    This is the first stage that specifies where the process starts. The stage appears by default when a new canvas is created.

    Figure 5: Initiation

    Prefill Data

    (See Figure 6)

    This stage indicates that the process contains pre-populated information from a specified source.

    Figure 6: Prefill Data


    (See Figure 7)

    This stage indicates that there is an interaction with the end-user via email or SMS.  

    Figure 7: Communication


    (See Figure 8)

    This stage specifies that end-user verification must occur to proceed with the process.

    Figure 8: Communication


    (See Figure 9)

    This is the stage in which the end-users interact with the digital process, for example:

    • Fill out the information
    • Upload documents
    • Provide eSignatures

    Figure 9: Webflow

    To learn more about Webflows, click here.

    Data Sync

    (See Figure 10)

    This is the stage in which different types of files are uploaded after the process or one of its steps were submitted. The files will be integrated externally with a chosen system, for example, with a CRM system or a database.

    Figure 10: Webflow

    Process Enrichment

    (See Figure 11)

    We will use this stage to show that the process interacts with external systems or resources to enrich it. For example, using APIs for autocomplete or interfacing with databases to extract and display data.    

    Figure 11: Process Enrichment

    Stages and Canvas

    The following sections describe how to work with stages and the canvas.

    Creating Roles

    (See Figure 12)  

    Each Process Mapping instance is created with a default role - Customer. Additional roles are created by clicking the Roles button (1) and the + Add Role option (2). When checking the checkbox (3) of a role the stages in the canvas are filtered according to their assigned roles and become available/unavailable accordingly.  

    Figure 12: Creating Roles

    Role names must be unique:

    Adding Stages

    (See Figure 13)

    Stages from the Process Building section are added to a canvas by dragging and dropping, for example:

    Figure 13: Added Stage

    Configuring Stages

    (See Figure 14 to Figure 17)

    To configure a stage that was added to the canvas, we will click it and then use its properties (appearing on the left pane), for example, properties for the Initiation stage (1):

    Figure 14: Properties

    When clicking a stage, two additional options appear delete and navigate. For additional information about the navigate option, see the Navigating Within the Platform section.

    In some cases, configuring the properties of the stage will change its visual appearance. For example:

    • When adding roles:

    Figure 15: Roles

    • When setting a type:

    Figure 16: Type

    • When specifying files to upload: 

    Figure 17: Files

    Initiation Properties

    (See Figure 18)

    Using the properties of the Initiation stage we can configure the type of initiation, or where the process is generated from, including: 

    • CRM:
      • Salesforce
      • Microsoft Dynamics
    • Guidewire
    • Website Link
    • Journey Sender
    • Custom API

    In addition, we can write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 18: Intimation Properties

    Prefill Data Properties

    (See Figure 19)

    Using the properties of the Prefill Data stage we can configure the source of the data that will be populated into the process:

    • CRM:
      • Salesforce
      • Microsoft Dynamics
    • Guidewire
    • Custom API

    In addition, we can write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 19: Prefill Data Properties

    Communication Properties

    (See Figure 20)

    Using the properties of the Communication stage we can configure the type of communication channel for interacting with the end-user:

    • Email (checked by default)
    • SMS

    In addition, we can assign a role to the stage, write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 20: Communication Properties

    Authentication Properties

    (See Figure 21)

    Using the properties of the Authentication stage we can configure its type:

    • One Time Password (OTP)
    • Single Sign On (SSO)
    • Custom Authentication 

    In addition, we can write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 21: Authentication Properties

    Webflow Properties

    (See Figure 22)

    Using the properties of the Webflow stage we can configure its name and assign a role to it.

    In addition, we can write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 22: Webflow Properties

    Data Sync Properties

    (See Figure 23)

    Using the properties of the Data Sync stage we can configure:

    • Where the information will be integrated:
      • CRM:
        • Salesforce
        • Microsoft Dynamics
      • Guidewire
      • Custom API
    • What files to include in the information upload:
      • PDF
      • XML
      • JSON

    In addition, we can write a specific description of the stage and add notes.

    Figure 23: Information Upload Properties

    Process Enrichment Properties

    (See Figure 24)

    Using the properties of the Process Enrichment stage we can configure the source that will enrich the process:

    • CRM:
      • Salesforce
      • Microsoft Dynamics
    • Guidewire
    • Custom API

    In addition, we can assign a role to the stage, write a specific description of the stage, and add notes.

    Figure 24: Process Enrichment Properties

    Connecting Stages

    (See Figure 25)

    To map stages and create detailed visualizations to better understand the relationship between them, we need to establish connections. Each stage has at least one connection point (1), for example: 

    Figure 25: Stage Connecting Points

    To establish a connection between stages we will hover over a connection point and wait for the icon to appear. Then, with the left click, we will pull a connecting line toward the next stage and attach it to a connection point, for example:

    Figure 26: Connected Stages

    Usage Example

    The following sections describe an example of a Process Mapping use case.

    Customer Onboarding Process

    1. A customer calls a call center, asks to join a company, and leaves personal details.
    2. A representative locates the customer details in an internal system and uses it to send a process link via email or SMS.
    3. The customer receives the link and clicks it.
    4. To access the process, the customer enters an OTP.
    5. When the process starts, the customer interacts with it:
      1. Fills out information - some of the information is autocomplete due to API integration.
      2. Upload documents.
      3. Provides eSigantures. 
      4. Submit it.
    6. After the process is submitted and closed by the customer, the provided information (including files) integrates back into the internal system.

    Mapping and Visualizing the Process

    (See Figure 27 to Figure 44)

    To map and visualize the process, we will perform the following steps:

    1. Create the additional relevant roles, in our example - Rep.

    Figure 27: Adding Roles

    1. Click Initiation and configure it:
      1. Set its type - for example, CRM.
      2. Write a description.
      3. Add a note.

    Figure 28: Initiation

    Figure 29: Configuration 

    1. Drag and drag the second stage - Prefill Data.

    Figure 30: Prefill Data

    1. Click Prefill Data and Configure it:
      1. Set its type - the source of the prefilled data, for example, CRM.
      2. Write a description.
      3. Add a note.

    Figure 31: Configuration 

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 32: Connecting Stages

    1. Drag and drag the third stage - Communication.

    Figure 33: Communication

    1. Click Communication and Configure it:
      1. Set its type - communication channel. For example, Email.
      2. Assign a role - Customer.
      3. Write a description.
      4. Add a note.

    Figure 34: Configuration 

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 35: Connecting Stages

    1. Drag and drag the fourth stage - Authentication.

    Figure 36: Adding Authentication

    1. Click Authentication and Configure it:
      1. Set its type - for example, OTP.
      2. Write a description.
      3. Add a note.

    Figure 37: Configuration 

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 38: Connecting Stages

    1. Drag and drag the fifth stage - Webflow.

    Figure 39: Webflow

    1. Click Webflow and Configure it:
      1. Set its name, for example, Onboarding.
      2. Write a description.
      3. Assign a role - Customer.
      4. Add a note.

    Figure 40: Configuration

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 41: Connecting Stages

    1. Drag and drag the sixth stage - Process Enrichment.

    Figure 42: Process Enrichment

    1. Click Process Enrichment and Configure it:
      1. Set its type - for example, Custom API.
      2. Write a description.
      3. Assign a role - Customer.
      4. Add a note.

    Figure 43: Configuration

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 44: Connecting Stages

    1. Drag and drag the seventh stage - Data Sync.

    Figure 45: Information Upload

    1. Click Data Sync and Configure it:
      1. Set its type - where the information will be synced. For example, CRM. 
      2. Select which files to upload - for example PDF, XML, and JSON.
      3. Write a description.
      4. Add a note.

    Figure 46: Configuration

    1. Connect the stages.

    Figure 47: Connecting Sages

    When clicking a stage that was added to the canvas the navigation icon appears. Using the icon it is possible to navigate to different areas within the platform. Table 2 describes the stage and the area within the platform it navigates to. 

    Performing changes using the Process Mapping screen will not affect the other areas in the platform. For example, deleting the Webflow Step will not delete the actual Webflow.

    Table 2: Stages and Navigation



    Platform Area


    InitiationWorkflow Manager
    2Prefill DataWorkflow Manager
    3CommunicationWorkflow Manager
    4AuthenticationServices screen
    5WebflowWebflow screen
    6Data SyncWorkflow Manager
    7Process EnrichmentServices screen

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