Model Metadata Items
    • PDF

    Model Metadata Items

    • PDF

    Article summary

    Article Overview

    The following article describes EasySend's metadata items. It details them and where to find them. In addition, the article provides usage examples for metadata items. 

    Metadata in EasySend

    In EasySend metadata items are built-in elements of the Model. The items contain additional details about:

    • Devices used to interact with a digital process
    • Files that were uploaded to a digital process (as attachments)
    • Date and time
    • Customer name
    • Used environment (DEV/PROD) 
    • The digital process
    • The transaction of the digital process
    • End-users 
    • The workflow of the digital process
    • Digital process integrations

    When Can We Use Metadata Items?

    Metadata items can be used in the following locations:

    • Model
    • PDF
    • Webflow
    • Workflow Manager
    • Services 
    • Reports
    • Analytic

    They can be utilized for:

    • Conditions:
      • Show/hide/disable/enable Webflow components and/or PDF marks (in the relevant Model fields) 
      • Skip/apply Workflow Manager steps
      • Send/not to send email/SMS
    • Providing additional information for:
      • Tracking reports
      • Service inputs 
      • EasySend Analytics
      • A calculated Model field

    For usage examples, click here.

    Figure 1 and Table 1 describe each metadata category and its items.

    Figure 1: Metadata

    Table 1: Metadata






    • Operating System (OS) Name:
      • Windows
      • Linux
      • OSX
    • osVersion
    • manufacturer
    • browserName:
      • CH
      • IE
      • FF
      • OP
      • SF
    • browserVersion
    • browserLanguage
    • type:
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
      • Tablet


    • name
    • nameWithoutExtention
    • extension
    • sequenceNumber
    The file metadata items cannot be used during a digital process, they will become available once a process is submitted and ended


    • currentDate_DDMMYYYY
    • currentDate_MMDDYYYY - US format
    • currentTime
    • companyName
    • environment - the type of environment the process was deployed to:
      • Development (DEV)
      • Production (PROD)



    • name
    • processId
    • isSubProcess - not in use
    • bueinessGroupName
    • businessGroupId
    • sourceValue - process initiation method:
      • LINK
      • ORGANIC
    • sourceType - process initiation type:
      • link
      • api
      • agent
      • bulkSender
      • salesforce
      • dataverse (link)
      • NULL
    • Request Identifier (rid) - a unique identifier of an EasySend session (step within a transaction)
    • masterRid - a unique identifier of an EasySend transaction 
    • url
    • direction - the direction of the text according to the selected language:
      • Left To Right (LTR)
      • Right  To Left (RTL)
    • language - format ISO 639-12 digit code (for example: en, de)
    • languageGender - indicates male/female set up for relevant languages such as Hebrew
    • is CoBrowsingOn - indicates whether co-browsing is On or Off
    • agentGroup - displays the name of the agent group if the transaction was initiated via the Journey Sender.
    • environment - the type of environment the process was deployed to:
      • DEV
      • PROD
    • time (TBD)
    • type:
      • Digital process
      • EasySign
    • status:
      • Created
      • Opened
      • completed
      • Expired
      • Canceled 
    • customerName
    • customerPhoneNumber 
    • customerName
    • agentTriggerType:
      • send link
      • Prefill
      • Fill myself
    • isTestTransaction - not in use
    • brandName - multi-branding information
    • brandId - multi-branding information 
    • role
    • geo - geographic location from IP
    • stepId (found in the Workflow Manager)
    • stepName
    8 salesforce
    • salesforceOrgId
    • slaesforceAppVersion
    • salesforceRecordId
    • salesforceObjectType
    • triggerEmail
    • triggerPhone
    • dataverseOrgId
    • dataverseAppVersion
    • dataverseRecordId
    • dataverseObjectType
    • triggerEmail
    • triggerPhone

    Metadata Items - Usage Examples

    The following sections describe how to use metadata items in different locations across the platform.  


    (See Figure 2 to Figure 5)

    In the Model screen, metadata items can be used in the following ways:

    •  Connecting Webflow components to the Model - for example, we want to display the current time and date at the top of the first digital process main page. To do so we will locate the desired component (1) and connect it to the Model by using the following metadata item: (2).

    Figure 2: Connecting Webflow Component to the Model using Metadata

    • Creating expressions - for example, we want to create an expression that displays the full name of the end user and the type of device used for interacting with the digital process. When adding dynamic fields, one of them will be metadata.device.type (1).

    Figure 3: Using Metadata with an Expression

    To learn more about expressions, click here.
    • Building formulas - when creating formulas, all the metadata items can be used as variables (1).  

    Figure 4: Metadata Items as Variables

    To learn more about formulas, click here.
    • Creating conditions - for example, we want to display or hide a specific page according to a step Id. When creating the condition we will use the relevant metadata item as the Selector (1).

    Figure 5: Creating a Condition with Metadata

    A step Id can be obtained from the Workflow Manager screen.

    To learn more about conditions, click here.

    Detailed Tracking Reports 

    (See Figure 6)

    When creating and editing detailed tracking reports we can include metadata items.

    Figure 6: Metadata Items in a Report

    To learn more about creating reports, click here.

    EasySend Analytics

    (See Figure 7)

    When storing data items for analytics datasets are created. Once a dataset has been created it will automatically contain transaction metadata that can be used for analytics. Metadata items will always be written with an underscore TRAN (_TRAN).

    Figure 7: Datasets

    To learn more about EasySend Analytics, click here.


    (See Figure 8)

    Metadata items can be used as source values when creating input or output items. For example, using the Code service step we wrote a code that checks where to remotely store files according to the environment (DEV/PROD) we are currently using. The metadata item that was used is metadata.transaction.environment (1).

    Figure 8: Metadata Item as Source Value

    To learn more about EasySend integration capabilities, click here.

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