Installation Guide
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    Installation Guide

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    Article summary

    Article Overview

    The following article describes how to integrate EasySend in your Dataverse applications.

    Step 1: Import EasySend to your Power Apps Environment

    (See Figure 1 to Figure 6)

    To import EasySend to your Power Apps environment, perform the following steps:

    1. Access your Power Apps environment.

    Figure 1: Power Apps Environment 

    1. Click Solutions (1).


    The Solutions screen appears:

    Figure 2: Import Solution

    1. Click Import Solution (2).


    The Import a solution section appears:

    Figure 3: Import a solution - Browse

    1. Click Browse (3) and select the file to import.

    Figure 4: Import a solution - Next (Example)

    1. Click Next (4) and wait for the process to finish.


    The Import button (5) appears:

    Figure 5: Import a solution - Import

    1. Click Import (5).
    2. Wait for the process to finish (6).

    Figure 6: Import Process

    Once the import process is finished, the following message will appear:

    Step 2: Adding a Custom Page to your App

    (See Figure 7 to Figure 14)

    To add a custom page to your App, perform the following steps:

    Figure 7: Apps

    1. Click Apps (1).


    The Apps screen appears:

    Figure 8: Apps Screen

    1. Locate the desired App (2).
    2. Click its three dots (3).


    A new menu appears:

    Figure 9: Edit

    1. Click Edit (4).


    The following screen appears:

    Figure 10: + Add Page

    1. Click + Add page (5).


    The Add page window appears:

    Figure 11: Add page Window

    1. Click Custom (6).
    2. Click Next (7).


    The Add custom page window appears:

    Figure 12: Add custom page Window

    1. Click Use an existing custom page (8).
    2. Check the EasySend Link checkbox (9).
    3. Uncheck the Show in navigation checkbox (10).


    The Add custom page window is configure and the Add button (11) becomes enabled:

    Figure 13: Add custom page Window - Add

    1. Click Add (11).

    Figure 14: Save and Publish

    1. Click Save (12) and wait for the process to finish.
    2. Click Publish (13) and wait for the process to finish.

    Step 3: Adding an EasySend Button to your App

    (See Figure 15 to Figure 27)

    To add an EasySend button to your App, perform the following steps:

    Figure 15: Apps

    1. Click Apps (1).


    The Apps screen appears:

    Figure 16: Apps Screen

    1. Locate the desired App (2).
    2. Click its three dots (3).


    A new menu appears:

    Figure 17: Edit

    1. Click Edit (4).


    The following screen appears:

    Figure 18: Contact

    1. Choose the object you want to add the EasySend button to (for example Contact).
    2. Click the three dots (5).
    3. Click Edit command bar (6).


    The Edit command bar for Contacts window appears:

    Figure 19: Edit command bar for Contacts Window

    1. Click Main form (7).
    2. Click Edit (8).


    The following window appears:

    Figure 20: + New

    1. Click + New (9).
    2. Click Command (10).


    The Create a component library window appears:

    Figure 21: Create a component library Window

    1. Click JavaScript (11).


    The Continue button (12) becomes enabled:

    Figure 22: Continue Button

    1. Click Continue (12).


    A button is added (13):

    Figure 23: Added Button

    1. Customize the button (14):
      1. Set the Label, for example: “EasySend Link”.
      2. Select an Icon.
      3. Verify Action is set to Run JavaScript.
      4. Click + Add library:


    The Add JavaScript Library window appears:

    Figure 24: Add JavaScript Library Window

        1. Use the search bar and search for “es_openEasySendForm” (15).
        2. Click Open EasySend Form (16).
        3. Click Add (17).


    The Library is updated:

    Figure 25: Button Customization

    1. Set the Function name to “openApp”.

    Figure 26: Moving the button

    1. Drag and drop the button (18) to a different location on the bar.

    Figure 27: Save and Publish

    1. Click Save and Publish (19) and wait for the process to finish.

    (See Figure 28 to Figure 41)

    To add an EasySend button to your App, perform the following steps:

    Figure 28: Apps

    1. Click Apps (1).


    The Apps screen appears:

    Figure 29: Apps Screen

    1. Locate the desired App (2).
    2. Click its three dots (3).


    A new menu appears:

    Figure 30: Edit

    1. Click Edit (4).


    The following screen appears:

    Figure 31: Contact

    1. Choose the object you want to add the EasySend button to (for example Contact).
    2. Click the dropdown (5).
    3. Click Contact Form (6).


    The Contact Form section appears:

    Figure 32: Contact Form

    1. Click the three dots (7) next to Contact for Interactive experience.
    2. Click Edit (8).


    The Form screen appears:

    Figure 33: + Component

    1. Click + Component (9).


    The Layout section appears:

    Figure 34: 1-column section

    1. Click 1-column section (10).


    A New Section is added (11):

    Figure 35: New Tab - Grid - Subgrid

    1. Click Grid (12).
    2. Click Subgrid (13).


    The Select subgrid view window appears:

    Figure 36: Select subgrid view Window

    1. Check the Show related records checkbox (14).
    2. Under Table, select EasySend Sessions (Regarding) (15).
    3. Under Default view, select All EasySend Sessions (16).
    4. Click Done (17).


    The Display options for the new subgrid appear:

    Figure 37: Display Options - Subgrid

    1. Click Edit View (18).


    The View screen appears:

    1. On the Table columnspane, click to add the following columns:
      1. Process Name
      2. Date Created
      3. Session Status
      4. EasySend Master RID
      5. EasySend Link
    2. Click the Sort by dropdown and select Date Created.
    3. Click Save and publish.  

    Figure 38: View Screen

    1. Return to the Form screen.

    Figure 39: Form Screen

    1. Click Done (19).

    Figure 40: Label

    1. Edit the Label (20), for example: “EasySend Sessions”.
    2. Update the Maximum number of rows to 10 (21).

    Figure 41: Display Options - New Section

    1. Click the New Section (22).
    2. Check the Hide label checkbox (23).
    3. Click Save (24) wait for the process to finish.
    4. Click Publish (25) wait for the process to finish.

    Step 5: Configure EasySend Settings

    (See Figure 41 to Figure 52)

    To configure EasySend settings, perform the following steps:

    Figure 41: Apps

    1. Click Apps (1).


    The Apps screen appears:

    Figure 42: Apps Screen

    1. Click the desired App (2).


    The Main screen of the App appears:

    Figure 43: Main Screen

    1. Click Settings (3).


    A list of options appear:

    Figure 44: Advanced Settings

    1. Click Advanced Settings (3).


    The Business Management screen appears:

    Figure 45: Business Management Screen

    1. Click Advanced Find (3).


    The Advanced Find Window screen appears:

    Figure 46: Advanced Find

    1. Under Look for select EasySend Settings (6).
    2. Click Results (7).


    The New EasySend Settings button (8) appears:

    Figure 47: New EasySend Settings

    1. Click New EasySend Settings (6).


    The New EasySend Settings window appears:

    Figure 48: Settings

    1. Configure the settings (9):
      1. Name, for example: “Config”.
      2. EasySend URL (required) - your EasySend platform’s player URL. The URL can be found after deploying and previewing a digital process using your EasySend's environment.                                                                                                  Figure 49: EasySend Platform's Player URL                                                                                       
      3. APIKey (required) - your EasySend API key (provided by the EasySend team).
      4. Customer Id (required) - your EasySend customer Id. The customer Id can be found in your EasySend's environment.                                                                                                              Figure 50: Customer Id
      5. Fields - the information to input here will be the names of different Dynamics 365 fields that hold relevant values: 
        1. Email field - the Dynamics 365 field name that populates the Email information. 
        2. Phone field - the Dynamics 365  field name that populates the Phone # information. 
        3. Default Process Field - the Dynamics 365 field name that populates a process Id information. The process will be displayed first by default when the process list is presented to users. The process Id can be found after deploying and previewing a digital process using your EasySend's environment.                                                                                                                          Figure 51: Process Id
        4. Business group field - contains the business group identifier. Digital process can be initiated from a specific business group.                                                                                                             Figure 52: Business Groups
      6. Default Role - set a default role for co-browsing.
      7. EasySend Process List - used to define which processes will be displayed on the process dropdown list according to process Ids. Process Ids are separated by a comma.
      8. Show All Processes:
        1. When checked - displays all available processes.
        2. When not checked - displays only the defined default process.
      9. Hide customer link:
        1. When checked - hides the customer link when a digital process is initiated.
        2. When not checked - displays the customer link when a digital process is initiated.
    2. Click Save & Close (10).

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