Field Types
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    Field Types

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    Article summary

    What are the Model Field Types?

    Field types within the Model are variables assigned to transaction data items. The connection between a field type and a transaction data item is determined according to the Webflow component associated with the transaction data item and according to the expected behavior of the Webflow component such as:

    • What type of data does the Webflow component receive or display.
    • What type of data does the Webflow component return (for expressions and conditioning).
    • What action does the Webflow component perform (file uploading or creating digital signature).

    Webflow Components and Model Field Types

    Table 1 displays a list of Webflow components and their most used field type.

      Table 1: Webflow Components and Model Field Types


    Webflow Component

    Field Type

    1Main Pageobject
    4Radio Questionstring 
    5Text Inputstring 
    6Running Number Indicatorobject
    7Array Buttonsobject
    8Upload Componentfile
    10Date Inputstring 

    Field Types Description

    The following sections describe the Model field types and provide common usage examples.

    To quickly learn about the different field types, watch the following video. 


    A string is defined as an array of characters. The string field type is commonly used for:

    • Inputting Values:
      • User input - textual, numeric, and special characters
      • Computed
      • Expression
    • Create Conditioning and Expressions - returning a string value output that can be used for expressions and conditioning.
    • For additional information about inputting Values and creating Expressions, see the Values article.
    • For additional information about conditioning, see the Conditions article.

    Usage Example - Inputting User Data

    Step 1 - Creating your Webflow

    Figure 1 displays a Webflow with four Text Input components (1) that are used for inputting personal details and a Radio Question with four options (2) for selecting a marital status:

    Webflow with four Text Input components that are used for inputting personal details and a Radio Question with four options for selecting a marital status.

    Figure 1: Webflow Example

    Step 2 - Creating transaction data Items with Data Field Types

    Figure 2 displays a Model with five transaction data items (3) with a selected string data field type (4) for each:

    Model with five transaction data items with a selected string data field type for each.

    Figure 2: Transaction data Items and string Field Type

    Step 3 - Connecting the Webflow with the Model

    Figure 3 displays an example of the Radio Question component connected to the Model (5):

    Radio Question component connected to the Model.

    Figure 3: Connection to the Model


    An object is a logical data structure. The object field type is commonly used for containing related transaction data items for creating logical data structures. When implementing conditioning and permissions to an object, the transaction data items nested inside of it will inherit them as well.

    • For additional information about conditioning, see the Conditions article.
    • For additional information about permissions, see the Permissions article.
    An object is also used for creating an array, for additional information, see the Managing Arrays article.

    Usage Example - Grouping Related Transaction Data Items

    Step 1 - Creating your Webflow

    Figure 4 displays a Webflow with four Text Input components (1) that are used for inputting personal details and a Radio Question with four options (2) for selecting a marital status:

    Webflow with four Text Input components that are used for inputting personal details and a Radio Question with four options for selecting a marital status.

    Figure 4: Webflow Example

    Step 2 - Creating Transaction Data Items with Data Field Types

    Figure 5 displays a Model with a transaction data item (3) that its field type is an object (4):

    Model with a transaction data item that its field type is an object.

    Figure 5: Transaction Data Item with an object Field Type

    The create item.. option (5) nested inside the object, enables to create transaction data items that will also be directly nested inside the object (see Figure 6):

    The create item.. option nested inside the object, enables to create transaction data items that will also be directly nested inside the object.

    Figure 6: create item.. Option

    Figure 7 displays five other transaction data items (5), with a selected string data field type (6) for each. The transaction data items are directly created and nested under the personalDetails data transaction item:

    Five other transaction data items, with a selected string data field type for each. The transaction data items are directly created and nested under the personalDetails data transaction item.

    Figure 7: Nested Transaction Data Item with a string Field Type

    • It is possible to cut, copy, and paste transaction data items using the right-click menu. 
    • It is possible to drag transaction data items inside and outside the object for restructuring.
    • It is possible to reuse transaction data item names within different objects.
    Deleting the object type transaction data item will also delete the transaction data items nested inside.

    Step 3 - Connecting the Webflow with the Model

    Figure 8 displays an example of the Radio Question component connected to the Model (7):

    Radio Question component connected to the Model.

    Figure 8: Connection to the Model

    In this example, the component is connected to a transaction data item that is nested under an object, so the pattern of its name is: object name.transaction data item name, for example: personaDetails.maritalStatus. 

    When connecting the component to the Model through the Properties section (8), the connection is done by writing the name of the object, inputting a dot (.), and selecting the appropriate transaction data item within the object (see Figure 9):

    When connecting the component to the Model through the Properties section, the connection is done by writing the name of the object, inputting a dot (.), and selecting the appropriate transaction data item within the object.

    Figure 9: object and Transaction Data Item Selection 1 of 2

    When a Container or a Main Page components are connected to an object you can connect other components that are placed inside a container or on top of the Main Page to the Model by inputting a dot (.) (9) and then selecting the appropriate data item from a list (see Figure 10):

    When a Container or a Main Page components are connected to an object you can connect other components that are placed inside a container or on top of the Main Page to the Model by inputting a dot (.) and then selecting the appropriate data item from a list.

    Figure 10: object and Transaction Data Item Selection 2 of 2 

    We also connect Main Pages or Containers to an object-type data item when implementing conditions or permissions. For additional information, see the Conditions and the Permissions articles. 


    A boolean field type has one of two possible values, which is intended to represent the two truth values of logic:

    • True
    • False

    The boolean field type is associated with a Checkbox component and is used for returning a boolean output that can be used for conditioning.

    Usage Example - Displaying Components according to Conditioning

    Step 1 - Creating your Webflow

    Figure 11 displays a Webflow with two Checkbox components (1). The rest of the components underneath (2) are conditioned to appear or not according to the selected Checkbox component (Yes or No) and the returned boolean value (true or false):

    Webflow with two Checkbox components. The rest of the components underneath are conditioned to appear or not according to the selected Checkbox component (Yes or No) and the returned boolean value (true or false).

    Figure 11: Checkbox Components

    Step 2 - Creating Transaction Data Items with Data Field Types

    Figure 12 displays a Model with two transaction data items (3) with a boolean field type (4):

    Model with two transaction data items with a boolean field type.

    Figure 12: Transaction Data Items and boolean Field Type

    Step 3 - Connecting the Webflow with the Model

    Figure 13 displays an example of the Checkbox component connected to the Model (5):

    Checkbox component connected to the Model.

    Figure 13: Connection to the Model

    Depending on the choice a user makes while filling in the information, the conditioned fields will appear (see Figure 14):

    Conditioning Example.

    Figure 14: Conditioning Example

    For additional information about creating conditions based on boolean values, see the Conditions article.


    A file field type is associated with the Upload component and used for uploading different types of files.

    Usage Example - Uploading a File

    Stage 1 - Creating your Webflow

    Figure 15 displays a Webflow with an Upload component (1):

    Webflow with an Upload component.

    Figure 15: Upload Component

    Step 2 - Creating Transaction Data Item with Data Field Type

    Figure 16 displays a Model with a transaction data item (2) with a file field type (3):

     Model with a transaction data item with a file field type.

    Figure 16: Transaction Data Item and file Field Type

    Step 3 - Connecting the Webflow with the Model

    Figure 17 displays an example of the Upload component connected to the Model (4):

    Upload component connected to the Model.

    Figure 17: Connection to the Model


    A signature field type is used with the Signature component for creating a new digital signature.

    Usage Example - Creating a New Digital Signature

    Stage 1 - Creating your Webflow

    Figure 18 displays a Webflow with a Signature component (1):

    Webflow with a Signature component.

    Figure 18: Signature Component

    Step 2 - Creating Transaction Data Item with Data Field Type

    Figure 19 displays a Model with a transaction data item (2) with a signature field type (3):

    Model with a transaction data item with a signature field type.

    Figure 19: Transaction Data Item and file Field Type

    Step 3 - Connecting the Webflow with the Model

    Figure 20 displays an example of the Signature component connected to the Model (4):

    Signature component connected to the Model.

    Figure 20: Connection to the Model

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