Edit a Webflow
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    Edit a Webflow

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    Article Summary

    Adding components and configuring Properties

    Follow the instructions to edit your Webflow.

    Adding and configuring a Page 

    To add a Page and configure its properties, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag and drop a Page component (1) under the Greeting Page.
    2. Delete the primaryButtonText (2) and type "Continue".
    3. Set the primaryButtonAction function (3) to Next.
    4. Set the secondaryButtonAction function (4) to Prev.

    Adding and Styling rich Text

    To add a Rich Text and style it, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag and drop a Rich Text component (5) onto the Page.
    2. Write the following text: "Marital Status" (6).
    3. Style the text (7).

    Adding and configuring a Radio Question

    To add a Radio Question and configure it, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag and drop a Radio Question component (8) onto the Page under the Rich Text.
    2. Write the title (9): "What is your marital Status?" 
    3. Click options (10).

    1. Write the Text and Value  - "Single" (11).
    2. Click the + Add New button (12).
    3. Write the Text and Value  - "Married" (13).
    4. Click the + Add New button (12).
    5. Write the Text and Value  - "Divorced" (14).
    6. Click the + Add New button (12).
    7. Write the Text and Value  - "Widowed" (15).
    8. Click the OK button (16).

    Adding a Container , Grid, and Configuring Properties 

    To add a Container, a Grid and configure its properties, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag and drop a Container component (17) onto the Page under the Radio Question.

    1. Drag and drop a Grid component (18) onto the Container.
    2. Set the Direction of the Grid to ltr (19).

    Adding Text Inputs and Write their Label

    To add a Text Inputs components and write their label, perform the following steps:

    1. Drag and drop four Text Input components (20) onto the Grid.
    2. Write their label (21): 
      1. "First Name"
      2. "Last Name"
      3. "ID Number"
      4. "Email"

    Deploy and Preview

    To deploy and preview the digital process, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Deploy Button (22).

    1. Wait for the Deployment process to finish (23).
    2. Click the Preview button (24). 

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