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    Article summary

    What is EasySign?

    The EasySign is an eSignature tool that lets your customers fill out forms without going through a full digital process.

    Using the Generate Signature Request Link API You can set an EasySign transaction.

    URL Path



     A POST request should be performed with the following HTTP Header: Content-Type: application/json.

    Request Content

    Table 1 describes the required and optional request content parameters.

    Table 1: Request Content

    ParameterTypeOptional/Required Discerption
    versionintegerRequiredThe version of the API
    This documentation specifies API version 2
    apiKeystringRequiredRequired for environment log-in authentication
    Provided by EasySend, for additional assistance, please get in touch with our support team
    • When set to true - communication with end-users will be done in parallel
    • When set to false - communication with end-users will be done according to the order in which they were input
    participants arrayOptionalDescribes the participants of the entire signature workflow
    For additional information about participants, click here
    steps arrayOptionalDescribes the steps of the signature workflow: 
    • Which participants participate in each step 
    • Which communication entries are sent:
      • SMS
      • Email
    For additional information about steps, click here
    documentsarrayOptionalDescribes the PDF documents to be filled or signed during the entire workflow
    For additional information about documents, click here
    attachmentsarrayOptionalA list of attachments requested from signers to upload at the end of the signing process
    For additional information about attachments, click here

    Authentication Using apiKey Field

    The apiKey allows EasySend to use a simple authentication mechanism that is used to authenticate the client against the server. The apiKey must be passed with every API call.

    Your apiKey is private and should always be kept secret. Never share your API key with a 3rd party. Always trigger EasySend APIs from a server-side application. Avoid embedding your API key in a client-side / web-based application.

    Sample Call

       "version": "2",
       "title": "test10_v2",
       "apiKey": "1122334455",
       "sendParallel": true,
       "customerId": "easysend-rnd",
       "customData": {
           "environment": "dev"
       "participants": [
               "id": "singerOne",
               "name": "signer one",
               "role": "signerOne",
               "phone": "0507346662",
               "email": "e.maegn@easysend.io"
               "id": "singerTwo",
               "name": "signer one",
               "role": "singerTwo",
               "phone": "0507346662",
               "email": "e.maegn@easysend.io"
               "id": "agent",
               "name": "agent",
               "role": "agent",
               "email": "e.magen@easysend.io",
               "isAgent": true
       "steps": [
               "communication": {
                   "start": [
                           "participantId": "singerOne",
                           "type": "email",
                           "email": "e.magen@easysend.io",
                           "subject": "Documents to sign for test1",
                           "body": "hi customer: test, here is your link: {{link}}"
                           "participantId": "singerTwo",
                           "type": "email",
                           "email": "e.magen@easysend.io",
                           "subject": "Documents to sign for test2",
                           "body": "hi customer: test, here is your link: {{link}}"
                           "participantId": "agent",
                           "type": "email",
                           "email": "e.magen@easysend.io",
                           "subject": "Documents to sign for test",
                           "body": "hi customer: for the test"
                   "finish": [
               "authProvider": {
                   "type": "standardOTPAuthProvider",
                   "isTwoFactor": true,
                   "otpSendMethod": "email",
                   "skipNotListedParticipants": false,
                   "skipOtpInDev": false,
                   "participantsOtp": [
                           "participantId": "singerOne",
                           "phone": "0544664034",
                           "email": "r.shoshani@easysend.io"
                           "participantId": "singerTwo",
                           "phone": "0544664034",
                           "email": "ronshosh@gmail.com"
        "documents": [
               "id": "9a12f15c-f75b-4a53-b7d1-c2856ef3f036",
               "title": "test Document",
               "fieldsDetectionType": "whiteOnWhiteDetect",
               "file": {
                   "type": "url",
                   "url": "https://easysend-static-assets.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/demo-assets/signature-tool/Example%201%20-%20White%20on%20White.pdf"
               "linkedIds": [
                       "id": "accountHolderName",
                       "value": {
                           "type": "text",
                           "role": "customer",
                           "required": true
                       "id": "signature",
                       "value": {
                           "type": "signature",
                           "role": "customer",
                           "required": true

    Success Response

    The HTTP status code will determine the success/ failure of the response. Code 200 means success in which case the body of the response is:

    Error Response

    • A status code 400 means a failure has occurred. In this case, the body will contain:
    	"errorCode": <a number representing the EasySend error code>
    	"description": <a textual error description>
    • A status code 403 means an authentication failure occurred, the body will contain:
    Error: An invalid api key was provided

    Try it yourself

    (See Figure 1)

    Familiar enough with the structure of the API? Use the link to generate a signature request link. Provide all necessary parameters, and view the flow and the results.

    Figure 1: Readme.io

    For additional support testing the API, please contact our support team.

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