Create a Condition
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    Create a Condition

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    Article Summary

    Add a Simple Visibility Condition

    Follow the instructions to add a visibility condition.

    Set a Data Item with a condition

    To set a data item with a condition, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Container (1) that contains the Gird and Text Inputs.
    2. Click the Mode icon </> (2).

    1. Click the dropdown and select Simple (3).
    2. Set the Selector to radioquestion (4).
    3. Verify the Operator is set to is (5).
    4. Enter the Value: "Married" (6).
    5. Click the OK button (7).

    Deploy, View, and Use the Digital Process

    To deploy, view, and use the digital process perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Deploy button (8)
    2. Wait for the deployment process to finish (9).
    3. Click the Preview button (10).

    1. Click Start (11).

    1. Select Married (12).
    2. View the fields (13).

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