Analysis Overview
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    Analysis Overview

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    Article summary

    Article Overview

    The following article describes what an analysis is, how to create it, and the structure of the analysis screen. The article also details what sheets are and the settings options.

    What is an Analysis

    (See Figure 1)

    An analysis is the prime workspace for creating data visualizations, which are graphical representations of your data. Each analysis contains a collection of visualizations that you arrange and customize.

    Figure 1: What is an Analysis? 

    Data visualization, also known as visual, is a graphical representation of data. There are many types of visualizations, including diagrams, charts, graphs, and tables.

    Creating an Analysis

    (See Figure 2 to Figure 7)

    To create an analysis, perform the following steps:

    Figure 2: Navigating to EasySend Analytics

    1. Click Measure (1).
    2. Click EasySend Analytics (2).


            The EasySend Analytics main screen appears:

    Figure 3: Edit mode Button

    1. Click the Edit mode button (3).


            The authoring screen appears:

    Figure 4: New analysis Button

    1. Click the New analysis button (4).


            A screen containing your datasets appears:

    Figure 5: Datasets

    1. Click the desired dataset.


            A screen with dataset information appears:

    Figure 6: USE IN ANALYSIS Button

    1. Click the USE IN ANALYSIS button (5).


            The analysis screen appears.

    Figure 7: Analysis Screen

    You can also create an analysis by clicking Datasets and then using one of two options:
    • Clicking the desired dataset.
    • Clicking the three dots and then Create analysis.

    Analysis Screen Description

    Figure 8 and Table 1 describe the analysis screen.

    Figure 8: Analysis Screen Description

    Table 1: Analysis Screen Description







    Tabs bar


    Navigates back to the landing page

    File-Enables to perform the following actions:
    • Add/remove the analysis to/from favorites
    • Publish the analysis as a dashboard
    • Save the analysis
    • View analysis permissions
    • Rename the analysis
    • Print the analysis
    • Export the analysis to a PDF
    • View a list of exported analyses 
    • Set autosave on/off
    Edit -Enables to perform the following actions: 
    • Undo
    • Redo
    • View and manage themes (not covered in this article)
    • View and manage analysis settings (not covered in this article)
    Data-Enables to perform the following actions: 
    • View and manage datasets in the analysis
    • Add a new dataset
    • Add a calculated field 
    • Manage parameters (not covered in this article)
    Insert-Enables to add to the analysis a new: 
    • Sheet
    • Visual
    • Text field 
    • Insight (not covered in this article) 
    • Calculated field
    • Filter
    • Parameter (not covered in this article)
    Sheets -Enables to perform the following actions: 
    • Add a new sheet
    • Duplicate a sheet
    • Rename a sheet
    • Add/delete a sheet title
    • Add/delete a sheet description
    • Manage sheet layout settings
    Objects-Enables to perform the following actions: 
    • Format the properties of a visual 
    • Manage field wells 
    • Add/delete a visual title
    • Add/delete a visual description
    • Manage data labels
    • Manage a legend
    • Manage tooltips
    • Export the visual to CSV
    Search-Enables to search for analysis actions
    2-Analysis name-
    • Displays the name of the analysis
    • Enables to edit the name of the analysis
    • Add/remove the analysis to/from favorites
    3Elements barUndoCancels a performed action
    RedoRestores a change that was undone
    • Display the dataset and its fields
    • Enables to manage datasets and different data fields
    • Display the Visuals section
    • Enables to add visuals and data to the analysis
    FilterEnables to manage filters
    ParametersNot covered in this article
    InsightsNot covered in this article
    PropertiesEnables to manage the properties of a visual
    AddEnables to add to the analysis a:
    • Visual
    • Text
    • Custom content
    4SheetsSheet 1-A sheet is a page that displays a set of visualizations, it is filled with charts, graphs, and tables
    Using the dropdown, a sheet can be duplicated or renamed
    Add SheetEnables to add additional sheets to the analysis
    5-Work area-The main work area





    Enables to switch between two states:

    -FIT TO WIDTH-Enables to adjust the display of the analysis screen:
    • Fit to width
    • Actual size





    Enables to publish the analysis as a dashboard

    Analysis Screen Elements

    (See Figure 9)

    When creating a new analysis, the analysis screen appears with the following default elements in the work area:

    • Dataset + dataset fields (the dataset that was selected after clicking the New analysis button) 
    • Visuals
    • Sheet 1 + AutoGraph visual
    • Properties 

    Figure 9: Analysis Screen Default Elements

    To display/hide the elements click their icons in the elements bar.

    Sheet Layout Settings

    (See Figure 10 to Figure 14)

    Before starting to work, it is recommended to select the sheet layout  by clicking Sheets (1) and Layout Settings (2). 

    Figure 10: Sheets and Layout Settings

    the Settings section displays the Sheet Layout options (3). 

    Figure 11: Settings and Sheet Layout

    The layout options are:

    • Tiled - visuals snap to grid with standard spacing and alignment. Dashboards are displayed as designed, with options to fit to screen or view at the actual size.
    On mobile devices, the dashboard adjusts to a single column in portrait mode or displays exactly as designed in landscape mode.

    Figure 12: Tiled Layout

    • Free-form - visuals can be placed anywhere (including overlap) with precise coordinates. Dashboards are displayed as designed, with options to fit the screen or view at the actual size.

    The Free-form sheet layout must be selected when embedding EasySend’s custom backgrounds while creating custom visual content. For additional information see the Visual Types article.

    On mobile devices, dashboard displays are published with no changes to the layout. Once designed in this layout, switching to another dashboard layout may cause some visual elements to shift and will need adjusting.

    Figure 13: Free-form Layout

    • Classic - visuals snap to grid with standard spacing and alignment. Dashboards will hide data or change the formatting to fit smaller screen sizes.
    On mobile devices, the dashboard adjusts to a single column in portrait mode or displays exactly as designed in landscape mode.

    Figure 14: Classic Layout

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