Add a Validation
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    Add a Validation

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    Article Summary

    Add a Required Validation

    Follow the instructions to add a required validation.

    Select a Text Input Data Item

    To select a Text Input data item, perform the following steps:

    1. Access the Model screen (1).
    2. Click a textinput data item (2).
    3. Click Validations (3).
    4. Add the required_eng () validation (4).
    5. Click the Deploy button (5).
    6. Wait for the deployment process to finish (6).
    7. Click the Webflow (7).

    1. Click the Preview button (8).

    Use the Digital Process

    To use the digital process perform the following steps:

    1. Click Start (9).

    1. Select Married (10).
    2. Try to navigate to the next page (11).
    3. View the validation message (12).

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